Alert: An "Alert" is a notification or warning triggered by predefined rules or conditions set in DataHawk. Alerts can be configured to notify users in real-time via email. Examples of alerts include products going out of stock, pricing or listing title changes, and negative product reviews.
Anomaly: Anomalies refer to unusual or unexpected data patterns or behaviors that deviate from normal or expected behavior. In the context of DataHawk, anomalies can be identified by the platform's AI algorithms and presented to users as insights.
Augmented Data: "Augmented data" refers to raw data processed and enriched with additional data and insights to provide more comprehensive and useful information. This can include data from other sources, machine learning models, or data transformations.
BigQuery Ecosystem: The BigQuery Ecosystem includes all tools that allow a user to access data residing in a BigQuery warehouse/database.
Business Intelligence (BI) Tool: A BI Tool is an application that allows the user to access and analyze data, typically through a combination of an intuitive point-and-click user interface and support for programming languages such as SQL (Structured Query Language). BI Tools generally are where dashboards containing a company’s vital metrics reside.
Cloud Data Warehouse: A cloud data warehouse is a type of database specifically designed for storing and analyzing large volumes of data in a cloud-based environment. It provides scalable, secure, and cost-effective storage and processing capabilities that enable businesses to leverage their data to gain insights and make informed decisions.
Dashboard: A dashboard is a visual display of data structured to enable the user to uncover trends and insights that wouldn’t have been evident otherwise.
Database: A database is a structured data set held in a server, accessible in various ways. Databases are meticulously organized into tables containing data on different objects (e.g., products, keywords, ranks, etc.). Moreover, they are accessible through numerous tools, including all our available destinations..
Database Credentials: Database Credentials are the authentication information needed to access a database from an external tool (such as a BI Tool or another destination). See how to use your credentials to connect to a destination here.
Data Feed: Within Connections, a data feed refers to the structured, aggregated data we send to your Google Sheets. We curate this data to be easily usable and ready for immediate consumption.
Data Integration Tool: Data Integration Tools are parts of the software used for transferring data from some source to some destination.
Data Science Tool: Data Science Tools are used for analysis and predictive modeling through machine learning and statistical techniques.
Data Source: A "Data Source" refers to the origin of the data collected and analyzed within DataHawk. It could be a specific eCommerce platform such as Amazon, Walmart, or Shopify that is integrated with DataHawk. Data sources are used to collect data and generate reports within DataHawk.
Destination: A destination is a third party tool to which we send enriched sources data. A destination comes with access credentials for use of the data on the given tool.
Finding: Findings are data-based, business-savvy insights that help you take action on a specific segment of your business. They emerge from a combination of your Amazon account data with broader Amazon data captured by DataHawk, and global industry knowledge.
Insight: "Insights" refers to meaningful and actionable information derived from data analysis. Within DataHawk, "Insights" are generated through the automatic exploration and analysis of eCommerce data and are designed to provide users with a deeper understanding of their business performance, customer behavior, market trends, and other key metrics.
Practice: In DataHawk, "Practice" refers to a business domain or a functional area of expertise. It could be related to advertising, SEO, business, finance, marketing, or product. This helps users quickly find insights relevant to their specific needs and responsibilities.
Processed Data: "Processed data" refers to the raw data that has been transformed and analyzed using various algorithms, statistical models, and other techniques to generate meaningful insights and metrics. The processing of data involves cleaning, filtering, transforming, and integrating data from various sources to prepare it for analysis.
Raw Data: "Raw data" refers to unprocessed or untransformed data that has not undergone any analysis or manipulation. It is the original data collected from various sources, such as eCommerce platforms or social media channels, before any processing or transformation has occurred.
Report: A report is a document or presentation that provides information about a particular subject or activity. In the context of DataHawk, a report typically includes metrics, charts, and graphs that summarize and visualize the performance of one or more eCommerce products or businesses.
Report Template: A report template is a pre-designed layout or structure that provides a consistent format for presenting data and information. It typically includes sections for various data types relevant to the report's purpose, such as charts, tables, and text.
Source: Equivalent of Data Source.
Snowflake Ecosystem: The Snowflake Ecosystem includes all tools that allow a user to access data residing in a Snowflake warehouse/database.
WebApp: A "webapp" refers to a web application that is accessed through a web browser and does not require any installation on the user's device. In the context of DataHawk, the webapp is the user interface for accessing and managing eCommerce data collected by the platform.
Workspace: A workspace in DataHawk is a space that holds all the data and configurations related to a specific organization. It is a dedicated environment where a team of users can collaborate and work on a shared set of data and reports.
Updated 4 months ago