DataHawk's Product Alerting tool is a reliable and scalable monitoring and tracking system, enabling you to set up and receive daily email alerts based on specific triggers or changes occurring across products. You can set up alerts for any product on Amazon or Walmart that you are tracking in your DataHawk workspace to stay informed on any potential issues or opportunities that could impact your business performance. Alerts data is available for the last 3 months.
You can also set up alerts and triggers for your competitors' products to discretely monitor their optimization efforts, but to do so, you must be tracking their products before.
What kind of alerts can I set up?
- Going out of stock: When the stock drops or the status goes from "in stock" to "out of stock."
- Losing the Buy Box: When anyone loses or wins the Buy Box and what price.
- Appearance of a new seller on the Buy Box: When a new seller is competing for the Buy Box.
- Entering the top 10 selling products list: When products enter the top 10 positions in sales rank.
- Dropping out of the top 10 selling products list: When products drop out of the top 10 BSR.
- Becoming a best seller: When products become the number one best seller in sales rank.
- Significant decrease in price: When products' Buy Box price decreases by more than 10%.
- Any price change: When price changes of any product and customize the range of price changes.
- Changes in listing details: When products have any change in their product details pages.
- Changes in the title: When there are changes to product titles.
- Changes in media assets: When there are changes to the number of images or videos.
- Changes in star ratings: When products increase the percentage of 1-star and 2-star ratings.
- Going offline: When the product you track goes offline.
All the alerts listed above are considered "preset triggers," and you can set up as many as you like.
Which properties can I be alerted on?
Listing Details properties
Bullet points
A+ content availability
Number of images
Number of videos
Reviews and Ratings
Number of ratings
% of critical ratings (1 or 2 stars)
% of positive ratings (4 or 5 stars)
Buy Box and Pricing properties
Buy Box price
Sales rank or BSR
Number of sellers
Buy Box owner
Buy Box availability or status
Listing availability or status
FBA status
Some of these properties are only available for Amazon.
How do I create an alert?
To set up your trigger(s), you can choose between preset trigger templates or custom triggers you can create and customize.
How do I set up a custom trigger?
You can create custom triggers by clicking the "Create Custom Triggers" button. The customizable triggers allow you to create rules to track products according to your preferences and logic. When creating a custom trigger or rules, you must first select a Property, then an Operator. Next, choose a value for the property, depending on the Operator you have chosen.
Click on "Continue" and select the product or tag you want an alert on. Choose an alert topic and select the recipient group for the said alert.
Global Operators
- any change
- is known
- is unknown
- is true
- is false
- matches value
- does not match the value
Numerical Operators
- increases
- decreases
- goes overvalue
- goes undervalue
- increases or decreases by more than a relative value (%)
- increases by more than a relative value (%)
- decreases by more than a relative value (%)
- increases or decreases by more than an absolute value (#)
- increases by more than an absolute value (#)
- decreases by more than an absolute value (#)
How do I setup my email alerts?
An email alert is a combination of triggers that share the same Alert recipients' group. You'll receive a single email based on the triggers you set up.
There are different ways to use email alerts:
- You can define different groups according to company teams, e.g., SEO team (listing related challenges).
- You can also differentiate email alerts based on different parameters set to trigger them, such as product listing, Best Sellers, or Buy Box.
- You can group the products you are selling, your top-selling products only, or the product category in which you directly compete.
Each email alert you create will send a daily email to you or the people on your team if any triggers or rules are triggered. Additionally, the email alert will redirect you to the relevant report on DataHawk.
Alert: daily notification triggered by a change on a product property (or set of product properties).
Event: change on a product property.
Property: a specific type of product change that you can be alerted on (ex: title, Buy Box price, number of ratings, etc.)
Alert recipients' group: a group of recipients for which you can activate email alerts.
Trigger: a preset change in a product's property that you want to monitor. You can choose between preset triggers (DataHawk's suggestions) or custom triggers (to tailor the rules to your needs)
Updated about 2 months ago