Advertising Power BI


The Advertising report template is the go-to platform consolidating the most essential data points for Amazon advertisers. The dashboard provides aggregated and historical views of the following data:

Ad Metrics

  • Ad Costs
  • Sales from Ads
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • Orders from Ads

Campaign Types

  • Sponsored Products
  • Sponsored Brands
  • Sponsored Brands Video
  • Sponsored Display

Ad KPI Metrics

  • CTR
  • CPC
  • CVR
  • ACoS
  • RoAS

Ad Entities

  • Ad Accounts
  • Marketplace
  • Campaigns
  • Products
  • Keywords

Getting Started

Source Data

You need to add your Amazon Advertising accounts on Sources before using this dashboard.

Report Template

Refer to this page to access the latest version of the Template.

Accessing the Template

You can access the template on Power BI Online or on Power BI Desktop.

Old Templates Versions

You can download below older versions of our Power BI dashboard templates in PBIX format.

Dashboard PBIX TemplateChangesVersion
AdvertisingShow last view time on report tabs.September 19, 2023
AdvertisingMarch 31, 2023
AdvertisingMarch 30, 2023

Analyzing the Report

General Elements

All tabs of this report include a date range selector.

Each tab also contains a shortcut to anomalies on DataHawk Insights. You can quickly respond to unexpected changes in advertising KPIs using the tool.


The following is an overview of each tab included in the report.

💚 Account Overview

This tab includes totals, for different accounts over the selected timeframe, of different ad metrics and KPIs (Definitions can be found in the glossary above).

You can filter ad entities as well as ad spend or ACoS using the left-side panel.

You can alternatively change the entities that metrics are aggregated around using the entity selector at the top. Depending on what you have selected, you can break further breakdown the overview metrics listed on the table:

💚 Account History

Daily or monthly history of your chosen metrics for different accounts across the chosen timeframe. You can choose to display up to 2 metrics at a time in the line chart, although only the first metric chosen will be displayed in a tabular format below. Metrics and daily/monthly history grouping is configured using filters on the top panel.

Clicking on a row within the displayed table will enable you to see metrics specific to the corresponding entity.

📢 Campaign Overview

This tab includes totals, for different campaigns over the selected timeframe, of different ad metrics and KPIs. A bar chart comparing campaigns based on a chosen metric or KPI is provided alongside the table.

📢 Campaign History

Daily or monthly history of your chosen metrics for different campaigns across the chosen timeframe. You can choose to display up to 2 metrics at a time in the line chart, although only the first metric chosen will be displayed in a tabular format below. Metrics and daily/monthly history grouping is configured using filters on the top panel. A scrollable list of line charts covering the same chosen metrics is included above the table.

📦 Product Overview

This tab includes totals, for different products over the selected timeframe, of different ad metrics and KPIs. A bar chart comparing campaigns based on a chosen metric or KPI is provided alongside the table.

📦 Product History

Daily or monthly history of your chosen metrics for different products across the chosen timeframe. You can choose to display up to 2 metrics at a time in the line chart, although only the first metric chosen will be displayed in a tabular format below. Metrics and daily/monthly history grouping is configured using filters on the top panel. A scrollable list of line charts covering the same chosen metrics is included above the table.

🅰️ Keyword Overview

This tab includes totals, for different keywords over the selected timeframe, of different ad metrics and KPIs. A bar chart comparing campaigns based on a chosen metric or KPI is provided alongside the table.

🅰️ Keyword History

Daily or monthly history of your chosen metrics for different keywords across the chosen timeframe. You can choose to display up to 2 metrics at a time in the line chart, although only the first metric chosen will be displayed in a tabular format below. Metrics and daily/monthly history grouping is configured using filters on the top panel. A scrollable list of line charts covering the same chosen metrics is included above the table.

Data Model

The datasets used in this report are processed extracts from Ad Reports provided via Amazon's Ads API. You can refer to this page to read more about the datasets made available in your hosted database upon connecting an Amazon Ads account. For a technical, in-depth view of all data fields available for Advertisers, you may refer to our Exhaustive Column Referential.

Next Improvements

This report currently contains aggregates of raw data provided directly by Amazon. DataHawk is consistently in the process of building added layers of intelligence, such as recommendations on ad spending and keyword selection. These will be included in future iterations of this report when made available.


Ad Entities

Subjects of which ads are associated to. Metrics and KPIs are aggregated around these entities and across time.

  • Ad Accounts: The individual accounts used to manage advertising campaigns on Amazon.
  • Marketplace: The different Amazon marketplaces where advertising campaigns can be run, including Amazon-US, Amazon-GB, Amazon-CA, and others.
  • Campaigns: The overall advertising campaigns on Amazon that include a set of ad groups and keywords, and are targeted to specific audiences, marketplaces, and goals.
  • Products: Items being promoted through Amazon advertising campaigns. Product-level data is available for Sponsored Product campaigns.
  • Keywords: Words or phrases that users type into the Amazon search bar when looking for products, and are used in advertising campaigns to determine when and where ads will appear. Keyword-level data is available for Sponsored Product, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Brands Video campaigns.

Campaign Types

Also known as Sponsored Types, these are ad product offers Amazon Ads which determine the method of advertising on Amazon.

  • Sponsored Products: An advertising campaign that displays individual products in search results and product detail pages, which can drive traffic to the product detail page.
  • Sponsored Brands: An advertising campaign that displays a brand logo, custom headline, and a selection of products in search results, which can drive traffic to the brand's store page.
  • Sponsored Brands Video: An advertising campaign that displays a video showcasing a brand's products or lifestyle in search results, which can drive traffic to the brand's store page.
  • Sponsored Display: An advertising campaign that displays ads on Amazon and third-party sites, which can target audiences based on interests, behaviors, or past purchases.


  • Spend: The amount of money spent on advertising in a specific time frame, which includes the cost of ad placements, management, and optimization.
  • Sales: The revenue generated by the products that were sold as a result of the advertising campaign.
  • Impressions: The number of times an ad is displayed to a user on a webpage, app, or platform.
  • Clicks: The number of times a user clicks on an ad, which can lead to a landing page or a product page.
  • Orders: The total number of orders that were placed on Amazon as a result of the advertising campaign.

KPI Metrics

Key performance indicators built using the above metrics.

  • CTR: Click-through rate, which is the ratio of clicks to impressions, calculated as clicks divided by impressions, multiplied by 100%. A higher CTR implies that your ads are engaging.
  • CPC: Cost-per-click, which is the amount of money paid for each click on an ad. A higher CPC may indicate a higher competition ad space.
  • CVR: Conversion rate, which is the ratio of orders to clicks, calculated as orders divided by clicks, multiplied by 100%. A higher CVR implies that your product pages retain the purchase interest of customers.
  • ACoS: Advertising cost of sales, which is the ratio of ad spend to sales, calculated as ad spend divided by sales, multiplied by 100%. A lower ACoS implies that your advertising campaigns are operating efficiently. ACoS is the inverse of RoAS displayed as a percentage. An ACoS of 30% means you are spending 30% of your ad sales in advertising.
  • RoAS: Return on advertising spend, which is the ratio of revenue to ad spend, calculated as revenue divided by ad spend. A higher RoAS implies that you are returning higher value from your advertising. RoAS is the inverse of ACoS displayed as a multiplier on your ad spend. A RoAS of 5 means you are making 5X more in ad sales than you spend on ads.