Seller Finances & Supply Chain Power BI

Monitor financial and operations performance with an overview and history of your Amazon Seller KPIs. Improve them with our seller recommendations.

Use Cases

  • Sales: Analyze sales from orders.
  • Profit: View an expandable ledger of your financial activity. See profit metrics for a summary of performance.
  • Unit Economics: Analyze finances from an SKU, ASIN, seller, or overall-level with enhanced filtering.
  • Supply Chain: See inventory and supply chain recommendations side-by-side with your sales.


Sales from Orders compared to Sales from Financial Events

Sales use cases will organize sales by purchase date and Profit use cases will organize sales by posted date.

  • Purchase Date (Orders API): The purchase date in the Orders API refers to the date when a customer completes a purchase transaction on the Amazon platform. This is the moment when the order is placed, and the customer commits to buying the product or service. The purchase date is crucial for tracking when sales transactions occur from the perspective of customer activity.
  • Posted Date (Finance API): The posted date in the Finance API refers to the date when a financial event associated with a transaction is officially recorded or posted in Amazon's financial system. This includes the date when the sale is completed along with associated fees, refunds, returns, and other financial activities related to the transaction are processed and reflected in the seller's financial records. The posted date is significant for accounting and financial reporting purposes, as it indicates when the financial impact of a transaction is recognized.

Data Highlight

This dashboard is built on Profit data models. Read more about Profit data in its dedicated article.

What's Inside

General Usage


  • Dates: Pick a range of dates for overview and history data or two date ranges for comparison.
  • Currency: Convert all monetary values to the desired currency.
  • Seller Name: Filter your data to a selection of seller accounts.
  • Marketplace: Filter your data to a selection of marketplaces.
  • Product Tag: Filter your products to those attributed to at least one among a selection of tags.
  • ASIN: Filter your data to a selection of ASINs.
  • SKU: Filter your data to a selection of SKUs.
  • Brand: Filter your data to a selection of Brands
  • Product Name: Filter your data to a selection of Product Names

Sales Overview

See a visualized summary of sales history with breakdowns by product and order status.

Sales Detailed

Compare sales across all products.

Profit Overview

See a visualized summary of financial event-posted sales history with a roster of top-selling products.

Profit Explorer

Analyze profit events compiled from a comprehensive selection of seller finance data sources. Events are annotated with timestamp, category, subcategory, event description, and other additional fields. Events are aggregated according to the following grain:

  • Posted Date
  • Seller Account
  • Marketplace
  • ASIN
  • SKU
  • Event Category
  • Event Subcategory
  • Event Description

Categories: High-level grouping of events.

  • Sales: Sales revenue including charges to customers (Tax/VAT, Giftwrap, Shipping).
  • Refunds: Returns, Guarantees, Chargebacks, and related fees.
  • Cost of Goods: Cost of goods sold and returned.
  • Amazon Fees: Fulfillment fees, Service Fees, Warehousing, and more.
  • Marketing: Advertising, Coupons, and Promotion.
  • Adjustments: Made to sales charges and fees.
  • Tax Expenses: Taxes withheld and paid.
  • Tax Adjustments: Made to tax charges and expenses.

Subcategories: Low-level grouping of events.

Event Description: ****Individual event descriptions.

Profit Metrics Explorer

Metrics enabling a business-level summary of profit events and comparative performance.

Metrics are aggregated according to the following grain:

  • Posted Date
  • Seller Account
  • Marketplace
  • ASIN
  • SKU


  • Gross Revenue: Sales including Tax Charges (VAT)
  • Net Revenue: Gross Revenue - Refunds (Returns, Guarantees, and Chargebacks)
  • Gross Profit: Net Revenue - Cost of Goods
  • Operating Profit: Gross Profit - Marketing (Advertising, Coupons, and Promotion)
  • Adjusted Operating Profit: Gross Profit - Adjustments
  • Net Profit: Adjusted Operating Profit - Net Taxes (Tax Charges, Tax Expenses, Tax Adjustments, and Estimated Tax Liability)

Custom FBA Restock Recommendations

See restock recommendations for products and tune them according to your custom lead time, target weeks on hand, and relevant inventory fields.

Amazon FBA Restock Recommendations

See restock recommendations straight from Amazon.


The Seller Finances and Supply Chain dashboard sources data from the Product Profit & Loss data models.

Getting Started


You need to add the following sources to use the Seller Finances and Supply Chain report template:

Report Template

Refer to this page to access the latest version of the Template.

Accessing the Template

You can access the template on Power BI Online or on Power BI Desktop.

Old Templates Versions

You can download below older versions of our Power BI dashboard templates in PBIX format.

Dashboard PBIX TemplateDateChanges
Seller Finances & Supply Chain May 6, 2024Redesigned P&L into profit data. Breakdown profit event categories down to their individual Finance API-sourced events. Summarize profit performance with new metrics.
Seller Finances & Supply Chain April 9. 2024Fixes an over filtering issue on the Sales tab .
Harmonizes the logic between Sales and P&L tab for brands/marketplaces.
Seller Finances & Supply Chain February 26, 2024Separate filters for Sales and P&L tab
Seller Finances & Supply Chain February 21, 2024Last datapoint date is shown on each tab. Data refresh tracking has been lightened.
Seller Finances & Supply ChainFebruary 19, 2024Orders tab removed for performance
Tabs have been renamed for clarity - the Sales tabs rely on Orders data for analyzing sales performance, while the P&L tabs provide the accounting view through financial events.
Unified currency for Sales data, added currency filter.
Added Product Names and Brands to visualizations and filters
Seller Finances & Supply ChainJanuary 10, 2024Orders data has been added to the dashboard along with new visuals. Sales from orders indicate earned sales from completed purchases while sales from financial events indicate realized sales from collected payments.
Seller Finances & Supply ChainDecember 12, 2023All associated seller account names across marketplaces are now displayed as seller account name on tables.
Seller Finances & Supply ChainSeptember 19, 2023Show last refresh time on report tabs.
Seller Finances & Supply ChainSeptember 01, 2023Faster performance on the Sales Charts, Overview and Inventory, P&L History, and P&L Comparison tabs. Other filters no longer depend on the entity filters e.g. you can filter SKUs even if displaying account-level metrics. The P&L Comparison tab now has a selector for using actual values or adjusted values for base metrics instead of displaying both at the same time.
Seller Finances & Supply ChainAugust 22, 2023Fixed inventory and restock recommendations for SKUs sold in multiple marketplaces. Included a P&L comparison tab where you can compare financial KPIs across two different periods.
Seller Finances & Supply ChainAugust 04, 2023Set data anonymization to be off by default
Seller Finances & Supply ChainAugust 03, 2023Set data to be unanonymized by default
Seller Finances & Supply ChainAugust 01, 2023Fixed advertising to be in negative values similar to other costs
Seller Finances & Supply ChainJuly 19, 2023Fixed project and tags slicers when adding more than 1 but less than all options
Speed up on the Overview and Inventory tab
Seller Finances & Supply ChainJuly 11, 2023Changed format of locked columns (account/product/sku) to remove gaps in tables
Added TACoS and TRoAS
Fixed Sales Growth to be calculated in the correct direction
Polished the Amazon FBA Restock Recommendations to have more readable field names
Polished misc. field names and formatting
Polished slicer layout
Seller Finances & Supply ChainJuly 05, 2023Now has both ASIN and SKU level product metrics
Now has weekly historical
Fewer tabs, more slicers
FBA data available two ways
Raw Amazon restock recommendations
Custom metrics with user-selected quantity formula, lead time, and target weeks on hand
Fixed Warehousing cost, ROAS, FBA inventory, Growth and Ad Spend metrics
Seller Finances & Supply ChainJune 08, 2023Fixed Inventory data
Seller Finances & Supply ChainMay 25, 2023Made financial metrics sortable in the "Product Overview" tab
Seller Finances & Supply ChainMay 23, 2023Ads and FBA metrics available in product overview tab
Fixed various data quality issues
Seller Finances & Supply ChainMay 19, 2023
Seller Finances & Supply ChainApril 2, 2023
Seller Finances & Supply ChainMarch 27, 2023