DSP Ads Dashboard
DataHawk’s Ads DSP Dashboard is designed to provide advertising managers with comprehensive insights into their Amazon DSP (Demand-Side Platform) campaigns. It offers detailed reporting on advertising performance, campaign efficiency, and audience engagement metrics, enabling data-driven decision-making and campaign optimization.
In the following sections, we will explore the DSP Dashboard and its features in greater detail.
To use the DSP Dashboard, you need to connect the following account to the DataHawk platform:
- Amazon DSP Account
- Impressions: Number of times your ads were displayed to users.
- Clicks: Total number of times users clicked on your ads.
- Gross Clicks: The total number of times the ad was clicked. This includes valid, potentially fraudulent, non-human, and other illegitimate clicks.
- CTR (Click-Through Rate): Percentage of impressions that resulted in clicks. Formula: Clicks ÷ Impressions.
- Detail Page Views: Number of detail page views occuring within 14 days of an ad click or view
- Detail Page Views Rate: Detail page view rate for promoted products relative to the number of ad impressions. (DPV / Impressions = DPVR)
- Total Cost: Total investment made in Amazon DSP advertising campaigns.
- ECPM: The total cost per thousand impressions.
- ECP Detail Page Views: Effective (average) cost to acquire a detail page view for a promoted product. (eCPDPV = Total cost / DPV)
- Order Budget: The total amount of money that be consumed by a order (latest value)
- Line Item Budget: The total amount of money that be consumed by a line item (latest value)
- Sales: Total value of sales occurring within 14 days of an ad click or view.
- Total Sales: Revenue generated as a direct result of the advertising campaigns.
- New to Brand Product Sales: Sales of promoted products to new-to-brand shoppers attributed to an ad view or click.
- Total New to Brand Sales: Sales of the brands’ products purchased by new-to-brand shoppers, attributed to an ad view or click.
- Units Sold: Number of attributed units sold within 14 days of an ad click or view
- Total Units Sold: Units of the brands' products purchased, attributed to an ad view or click.
- RoAS (Return on Ad Spend): Revenue generated per dollar spent on ads. Formula: Total Sales ÷ Total Cost.
- Purchases Count: Number of attributed conversion events occurring within 14 days of an ad click or view.
- Purchase Rate: Rate of ad-attributed purchase events for promoted products, relative to ad impressions. (Purchase rate = Purchases / Impressions)
Navigation options are shown as tabs in a menu on the left of the dashboard. Available tabs:
- DSP Ads Report
- Metrics Definition
On the DSP Ads Report page, you can refine and customize the displayed data using filters.
Filter Overview
Date Filters (Top-left):
- Select the desired date range for the metrics.
- Here you also choose Granularity (by Year/Quarter/Month/Week/Day by which all the timeline graphs will be displayed)
General Filters (Next to date filters):
- Advertiser: Choose the specific advertiser.
- Country: Select the country you want to focus on.
- Currency: Choose the currency for the displayed metrics.
Folder-Specific Filters (To the right of general filters):
- Order:
- Filter by Order Name.
- Line Item:
- Filter by Line Item Name.
- Filter by Line Item Type.
- Creative:
- Filter by Creative Type
- Filter by Creative Name
- Filter by Creative Size
- Custom:
- Include options such as Audience, Type, Targeting Type, Category, etc.
Important: To use custom filters, you must configure Parameters in the dashboard's Data Model.
Setting Up Custom FiltersTo configure Custom Parameters:
- Go to the Data Model settings:
- Click on the three dots next to the Data Model.
- Select Settings → Parameters.
Set the appropriate parameters for:
- Categories: If the names of your Orders or Line Items contain specific terms that should act as categories, add those terms to the Category Parameter (separate multiple terms with commas).
Example: If the term "Toys" appears in your Order name and you want it to be a category, add
to the Category Parameter. - Targeting Types: If terms in the names indicate a targeting type, add them to the Targeting Parameter accordingly.
- Continue with all other parameters the same way.
- If you do not need a particular parameter, simply leave it blank.
Parameters are case-sensitive and must match exactly what is used in the Order Name or Line Item Name.
For example:
- If the Order Name contains
, you must enterToys
. - If the Order Name contains
, you must enterTOYS
- Categories: If the names of your Orders or Line Items contain specific terms that should act as categories, add those terms to the Category Parameter (separate multiple terms with commas).
- Order:
- Once you connect your account, the dashboard will initially load 90 days of your DSP Ads history.
- Over time, the dashboard can import and display up to 1 year of data, provided you’ve been connected for at least 9 month
The dashboard provides a variety of charts, tables, and visualizations to help you analyze your ad performance.
The first row table
displays key metrics for the selected time period:
- Order Budget, Total Cost, Total Sales, Impressions, Clicks, eCPM, CTR, eCP DPV, DPVR, and Purchase Rate (CVR Clicks to Purchase).

The Bar and Line Chart provides a time-based visualization of key performance metrics:
- Total Sales
- Total Cost
- ROAS (Return on Ad Spend)
You can adjust the time granularity (e.g., day, week, month) using the calendar control located at the top-left of the dashboard.

Budget Distribution
- A 100% Stacked Bar Chart shows Budget by Line Item Type, giving you a clear view of how the budget is allocated across different line items.

Next block (Slicers and Vusalizations):
Top Row
100% Stacked Bar Chart:
- Controlled by the Metric Slicer and Legend Slicer (above).
- The Metric Slicer also affects the Pie Chart.
Pie Chart:
- Displays the selected metric (from the Metric Slicer) broken down by country.
- Not affected by the Legend Slicer.
Bottom Row
100% Stacked Bar Chart:
- Has its own Metric Slicer and Legend Slicer (above it).
- These slicers are independent of the top row, allowing compare different metrics/legends against each other.
Gauge Chart:
- Displays the percentage of New-to-Brand Product Sales relative to Total Sales.
Metrics by Category and Targeting Type
- A table shows the main metrics broken down by Category and Targeting Type.

Explorer Section
The Explorer section provides flexible tools for in-depth analysis.
Custom Graph:
Use the Metric 1 Slicer (Top Left) to select multiple metrics to display as bar charts on the Left Axis.
Use the Metric 2 Slicer (Top Right) to choose one metric to compare against the others on the Right Axis.
Example: Compare Impressions and Clicks (Metric 1) against ROAS (Metric 2) to see how ad visibility relates to ROI.
Customizable Table:
- The Grouping Slicer allows you to group data by different dimensions (e.g., Year, Month, Advertiser Name).
- A Metrics Slicer (to the right) lets you select which metrics to display.
Predefined Summary Table
- This table displays the main metrics grouped by:
- Advertiser
- Order Name
- Line Item Type
- Line Item Name
- Creative Type
- Creative Name

Report Template
Refer to this page to access the latest version of the Template.
Updated about 1 month ago