Accounts Statuses
This article shares detail on the diagnosis and troubleshooting of account sources connections through an explanation of your account statuses and accompanying health check statuses.
What is an Account?
An account is a source connected to an eCommerce management platform from which your data can be collected, processed, and shared back with actionable analytics. An account is added using your exisitng credentials and authorization. DataHawk supports the following accounts in sources:
- An Amazon Seller Central Account
- An Amazon Vendor Central Account
- An Amazon Advertising Account

Understanding Account Statuses
Account statuses
An added account will have a basic status summarizing the state of the account. It generally shares whether an added account is connecting, connected, or facing an error.
Types of Account Statuses
Account Status | Meaning | Message |
Connecting | Your account runs a set of connectivity checks to ensure your data can be retrieved | It may take up to 4 hours to connect your account. |
Connected | Your account is ready to retrieve your data. This action can still take up to 48 hours. | The account has been successfully connected. It takes up to 48 hours for all data to reach your database for the first time. |
Connected ⚠ Attention Required | Your account can not retrieve all of your data, some action is required from you to complete the connectivity | The account has been connected but needs your attention. It takes up to 48 hours for all data to reach your database for the first time. |
Error | Your account can not retrieve any data. Action is required from you to enable this connectivity | The account cannot be connected. Please check your configuration. |
Health Check statuses
Health Check statuses provide further details to the account status. When an account is in error or connected but needs attention, health check statuses enrich the status with the explanation for the status, the extent of the status, and the action needed to remedy the status.
Please review the message in each status for the applicable action needed to resolve any potential issue. Where available, find suppplementary reference material in the tables below.
Amazon Seller Central Account Health Check Statuses
Health Check Status | Message | Description | Reference Material |
SellerFinanceAccessUnauthorized | Your Seller account does not have the role “Finance and Accounting” to access your data. Please grant this role to your account. | The Seller Account does not grant the Finance and Accounting role for the data access. | |
SellerWithoutBrandAnalyticsRole | Your Seller account does not have the role “Brand Analytics” to access your data. Please grant this role to your account. | The Seller Account does not grant the Brand Analytics role for the data access. | |
CredentialsNotValid | Your account cannot be accessed. Please reconnect to your Amazon account. | The credentials provided to connect to the API are invalid. | |
CredentialsRevoked | Your access was revoked. Please reconnect to your Amazon account. | The credentials provided to connect to the API were revoked. | |
SellerNoMarketplaceParticipationError | Your Seller account is not active in any marketplace. Please review your account configuration. | The Seller account does not receive data on any marketplace. |
Amazon Vendor Central Account Health Check Statuses
Health Check Status | Message | Description | Reference Material |
CredentialsNotValid | Your account cannot be accessed. Please reconnect to your Amazon account. | The credentials provided to connect to the API are invalid. | |
CredentialsRevoked | Your access was revoked. Please reconnect to your Amazon account. | The credentials provided to connect to the API were revoked. | |
VendorManufacturingDistributorViewUnsupported | Your Vendor account does not support Manufacturing Distributor data. Only supported views will be collected. | The manufacturing view shows data for Amazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) of items manufactured by you, regardless of who sourced the products to Amazon. Having this status means no data is available from a Manufacturing Distributor perspective. | are two distributor views, from which products are sourced. |
VendorSourcingDistributorViewUnsupported | Your Vendor account does not support Sourcing Distributor data. Only supported views will be collected. | The sourcing view only shows data for ASINs of items sourced directly from your vendor group. Having this status means no data is available from a Sourcing Distributor perspective. | are two distributor views,whom the products were sourced. |
VendorBusinessSellingProgramUnsupported | Your Vendor account does not support Business Selling Program. Only supported Selling Programs data will be collected. | The Business Selling Program show data for ASINs of items sold on the Amazon Business BtoB channel. Having this status means no data is available from a Amazon Business perspective. | |
VendorFreshSellingProgramUnsupported | Your Vendor account does not support Fresh Selling Program. Only supported Selling Programs data will be collected. | The Fresh Selling Program show data for ASINs of items sold on the Amazon Fresh è channel. Having this status means no data is available from a Amazon Fresh perspective. | |
VendorRetailSellingProgramUnsupported | Your Vendor account does not support Retail Selling Program. Only supported Selling Programs data will be collected. | The Business Selling Program show data for ASINs of items sold on Amazon Retail. Having this status means no data is available from a Amazon Retail perspective. | |
VendorWithoutBrandAnalyticsRole | Your Vendor account does not have the role “Brand Analytics” to access your data. Please grant this role to your account. | The Vendor Account does not grant the Brand Analytics role for the data access. | |
Amazon Advertising Account Health Check Statuses
Health Check Status | Message | Description | Reference Material |
AdsNoProfileError | No ads account was found. Please review your connected ads accounts in the Amazon Ads console. | No account is found in Amazon Ads | |
AdsSponsoredBrandNotAccessibleToKindleAuthors | Kindle Direct Publishing accounts cannot access Sponsored Brands campaigns. Only other campaign types will be collected. | The account in Amazon Ads is a Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) account and thus cannot access to Sponsored Brands campaigns. (API limitation) | |
AdsManageProfileUnauthorized | The advertiser does not have access to manage any of the connected ads accounts. Please check your access rights on the Amazon Ads console. | The account in Amazon Ads does not have the manage profile rights. | |
CredentialsNotValid | Your account cannot be accessed. Please reconnect to your Amazon account. | The credentials provided to connect to the API are invalid | |
CredentialsRevoked | Your access was revoked. Please reconnect to your Amazon account. | The credentials provided to connect to the API were revoked | |
AdsNoMatchingAdvertiserFound | Your Amazon Ads account has no data to be collected. Please review your account configuration. | The Ads account has no data to be collected. |
Further Support
If further support is needed, please do not hesitate to reach out to DataHawk using the support button on the bottom right of any page in the DataHawk application.

Updated 4 months ago