Product Power BI Dashboard
Monitor your tracked products' key metrics and performance indicators. The dashboard is designed to assist in monitoring and analyzing various aspects of product portfolio on Amazon.
Use Cases
- Dashboard Monitor performance metrics and trends
- Overview Obtain a detailed snapshot of overall product portfolio metrics
- History Track changes and performance history over time
- Changes Identify specific changes in product details
What's inside
General Usage
- Dates: Pick a range of dates for analysis.
- Brand: Filter by the Brand of the Product.
- Product ID: Unique identifier for the product, applicable across various platforms (e.g., ASIN for Amazon, alternative IDs for other marketplaces like Walmart).
- Product Tag: Filter your products to those attributed to at least one among a selection of tags.
- Product Name: Filter by Product Name.
- Marketplace: Filter your data to a selection of marketplaces.
- Seller: Filter your data to a selection of seller accounts.
- Category: Choose a product category for focused analysis.
- Sales Rank: Filter by a product's popularity in its category. Lower ranks (e.g., 1-3) indicate higher sales.
- Category Depth: Specify the depth of the product category.
- Sellers: Filter by the total number of sellers
- Price: Set price range filters.
- Ratings: Filter products based on the total number of ratings.
- Rating: Filter by product ratings.
Product Overview
Variants: The count of distinct product variants allows you to gauge the diversity within your product line.
Brands: Monitoring the count of unique brands helps you understand the overall brand presence in your portfolio.
Sellers: The count of competing sellers provides insights into the level of market competition for your products.
Sellers (Winners): Keep track of the count of distinct winning sellers of the Buy Box to identify top-performing sellers.
Seller (Latest): Identify the latest seller who won the Buy Box, helping you stay informed about recent market dynamics.
Price Insights
Price (Min): Keep an eye on the minimum price to identify potential pricing floors and market trends.
Price (Avg): The average price provides a central measure for pricing strategies and market positioning.
Price (Max): Monitoring the maximum price helps identify premium-priced products within your portfolio.
Price (Distinct): The count of distinct prices helps you understand the pricing diversity within your products.
Buy Box Analysis
Buy Box % (Active): Track the Buy Box enabled rate to ensure your products are competitively positioned.
Buy Box % (Public): Monitor the Buy Box share to assess your products' visibility to customers.
Buy Box % (Private): The average owned Buy Box percentage reflects your success in winning the Buy Box against competitors.
Sales and Units
Delivery Days (Avg): The average lead time provides insights into the expected delivery speed for customer orders.
Units/mo (E)(Avg)(Low): Average monthly units (Low) helps identify lower-end performance expectations.
Units (E)(Low): Total units (Low) reflects the overall quantity of products sold at a lower expectation.
Units (E)(High): Total units (High) highlights high-end performance expectations.
Units % (E): The total units share helps understand your products' contribution to the overall market share.
Sales/mo (E)(Avg)(Low): Average monthly sales (Low) indicates the lower end of expected sales.
Sales (E)(Low): Total sales (Low) reflects the overall quantity of sales at a lower expectation.
Sales (E)(High): Total sales (High) highlights high-end performance expectations.
Sales % (E): The total sales share helps understand your products' contribution to the overall market sales.
Sales Score: The average sales estimates score helps assess the perceived market demand for your products.
Category and Ranking
Categories: Highlights the number of categories your product spans, offering insights into its market reach.
BSR (Best): The minimum Best Sellers Rank identifies the highest-performing products within your portfolio.
BSR (Avg): The average Best Sellers Rank provides an overall measure of product popularity.
BSR (Worst): The maximum Best Sellers Rank identifies products that may need optimization or attention.
Rating and Reviews
Rating (Avg): The average product rating reflects the overall satisfaction level of customers.
Ratings (Min): The minimum number of ratings indicates the lowest level of customer feedback.
Ratings (Avg): The average number of ratings provides insights into the overall feedback volume.
Ratings (Max): The maximum number of ratings indicates the highest level of customer feedback.
Listing Quality and Engagement
Images (Avg): The average number of images reflects the visual content richness of your product listings.
LQS (Avg): The average Listing Quality Score gauges the overall quality of your product listings.
Badges: The count of badges provides insights into the recognition and certification status of your products.
User Engagement
Sessions: Total sessions indicate the overall traffic and interest in your products.
Pageviews: Total pageviews reflect the overall engagement and interest in your product pages.
Sessions CVR (Avg): The average session percentage indicates the effectiveness of your product pages in converting visitors into customers.
- Dashboard
- Overview
- History
- Changes
The Product dashboard sources data from the following data models
- Tracked Products:
Amazon / Walmart Products are sourced from your tracked Products - Top 100 Products in Tracked Categories:
Amazon / Walmart Requires tracking and includes insights from the top 100 products within your tracked categories
Report Template
Refer to this page to access the latest version of the Template.
Accessing the Template
You can access the template on Power BI Online or on Power BI Desktop.
Old Templates Versions
You can download below older versions of our Power BI dashboard templates in PBIX format.
Dashboard PBIX Template | Version | Changes |
November 22, 2023 | Ability to customize rows for segmentation levels by Market, Seller, Project, Tag, Brand, Variant, and Category. | |
Dec 5, 2023 | A Dashboard tab providing a Product metrics overview | |
February 9, 2024 | Product Name available as Entity | |
February 16, 2024 | Improved visuals by removing unnecessary filter |
Updated 4 months ago