Vendor Finances, Traffic & Supply Chain Power BI
The Vendor Finances, Traffic & Supply Chain report is the go-to platform consolidating the most essential data points for Amazon Vendors. The dashboard provides aggregated and historical views of the following data:
- Financial Performance (Revenue, Margins, and Units Sold/Returned)
- Glance Views per Product
- In-Depth Inventory Breakdown
- Demand Forecasts per Product
Getting Started
Source Data
You need to add your Amazon Vendor Central accounts on Sources before using this dashboard.
Report Template
Refer to this page to access the latest version of the Template.
Previous Versions
Dashboard PBIX Template | Changes | Version |
Vendor Finances, Traffic & Supply Chain | Show last view time on report tabs. | September 19, 2023 |
Vendor Finances, Traffic & Supply Chain | Changed default Marketplace filter to all. | September 14, 2023 |
Vendor Finances, Traffic & Supply Chain | - Vendor Revenue - Shipped/Ordered Revenue, Units - Product Page Views - Inventory - Demand Forecasts | April 17,2023 |
Accessing the Template
You can access the template on Power BI Online or on Power BI Desktop.
Analyzing the Report
All tabs of this report include:
- A Date Range selector
- Selectors to choose the Vendor Account, Marketplace, View, Selling Program, and ASIN for which you would like to view your data

The following is an overview of each tab included in the report.
🌐 Vendor Overview
This tab includes totals, over the selected time-frame / view / selling program, of the following metrics (Definitions can be found in the Glossary above):
- Vendor Revenue
- Amazon Revenue (Shipped) + Shipped Univts
- Amazon Revenue (Ordered) + Ordered Units - Only available for Manufacturing view
- Returned Units
- Page Views

Clicking on a product within the displayed table will enable you to see metrics specific to that product.

📈 Vendor History
Daily history of your chosen metrics within the selected time-frame / view / selling program. You can choose to display up to 2 metrics at a time in the line chart, although only the first metric chosen will be displayed in a tabular format below. Metrics cover the Finance, Traffic, and Inventory domains; their definitions can be found in the Glossary above.

Clicking on a product within the displayed table will enable you to see metrics specific to that product.

📦 Inventory History Breakdown
Daily history of your chosen Inventory metrics within the selected time-frame / view / selling program. You can choose to display as many metrics as desired; each of these will show in both the line chart and in a tabular format below. Definitions of these in-depth Inventory metrics are available in the Glossary above.

Clicking on any of these metrics in the table will allow you to isolate your view of that specific metric.

🔮 Demand Forecasts
Daily history of your chosen Demand Forecast metrics within the selected time-frame / selling program. You can choose to display up to 2 metrics at a time in the line chart, although only the first metric chosen will be displayed in a tabular format below. Metric definitions can be found in the Glossary above.

Clicking on a product within the displayed table will enable you to see metrics specific to that product.
Data Model
The datasets used in this report are direct extracts from Vendor Reports provided via Amazon's Selling Partner API. You can refer to this page to read more about the datasets made available in your hosted database upon connecting a Vendor Central account. For a technical, in-depth view of all data fields available for Vendors, you may refer to our Exhaustive Column Referential.
Next Improvements
This report currently contains aggregates of raw data provided directly by Amazon. DataHawk is consistently in the process of building added layers of intelligence, such as recommendations on inventory and product mixes. These will be included in future iterations of this report when made available.
In this context, refers to whether the data is seen from the Manufacturing view or the Sourcing view. Differences between these two views are as follows (lifted from Amazon's own documentation):
- Manufacturing View: Shows data for ASINs of items manufactured by you, regardless of who sourced the products to Amazon.
- Sourcing View: Only shows data for ASINs of items sourced directly from your vendor group.
Selling Programs
In Amazon's context, refers to one of the following platforms: Amazon Retail, Amazon Fresh, or Amazon Business.
- Retail: The default selling program applicable to the vast majority of Vendor sales.
- Fresh: Refers to Amazon Fresh, Amazon's online food shopping home delivery service.
- Business: Refers to Amazon Business, which is specialized towards enterprises as buyers.
Financial Metrics
This report includes Financial Metrics such as:
- Vendor Revenue: The amount paid by Amazon to the vendor. Listed as "COGS" from Amazon's perspective.
- Amazon Revenue: The amount paid by buyers to Amazon for products sourced from the Vendor. Listed as "Sales" from Amazon's perspective.
- Product Margin: Specifically refers to Net Pure Product Margin, which indicates each product's profitability (from Amazon's perspective) after deducting COGS and various agreed services such as damage allowance. Unprofitable products bear a risk of no longer being sold my Amazon.
Inventory Metrics
This report includes various Amazon-specific terms in its Inventory breakdown section, such as:
- Aged 90+ Days Sellable Inventory: Inventory that is at least 90 days old, and is sellable on the day specified.
- Net Received Inventory Cost: Net amount received by Amazon after subtracting the amount returned to the supplier.
- Open Purchase Orders: Vendor's open purchase orders, such as items ordered but not yet received by Amazon.
- Procurable Product Out-Of-Stock Rate: Out of stock (OOS) rate on all products (OOS Glance Views / Total Glance Views). Only applies to products considered "procurable", meaning that Amazon is able to obtain the product without any purchase order delay.
- Receive Fill Rate: Purchase order units received by Amazon divided by confirmed purchase order units (Fill Rate = Received Quantity / Confirmed Quantity). Only applies to products considered "procurable", meaning that Amazon is able to obtain the product without any purchase order delay.
- Sellable On-Hand Inventory: Inventory within Amazon fulfilment centers that is sellable during the day specified.
- Sell-Through Rate: The number of shipped units divided by the number of units at Amazon at the start of the period, plus any units received during the same time period. Sell Through Rate = (Shipped Units - Customer Returns) / (On-hand Units + Received Units).
- Unfilled Customer Ordered Units: Units ordered but not yet shipped.
- Unhealthy Inventory: Excess inventory on the given day. This is based on forecasted demand, which can be seen on the Demand Forecast tables.
- Unsellable On-Hand Inventory: Inventory within Amazon fulfilment centers that is unsellable during the day specified.
- Vendor Confirmation Rate: Units confirmed by the vendor divided by units Amazon attempts to order (Vendor confirmation rate = Quantity confirmed / quantity submitted). Only applies to products considered "procurable", meaning that Amazon is able to obtain the product without any purchase order delay.
- Vendor Lead Time: Average days between the time that the vendor receives a purchase order from Amazon and the time that Amazon receives the inventory in a fulfillment center.
Demand Forecasts
Amazon-generated forecasts, broken down into the following:
- Mean Forecast: Amazon's estimate of customer demand for a specific product.
- P70 Forecast: Amazon's estimate such that there is a 70% chance that customer demand for a specific product will not exceed this value.
- P80 Forecast: Amazon's estimate such that there is a 80% chance that customer demand for a specific product will not exceed this value.
- P90 Forecast: Amazon's estimate such that there is a 90% chance that customer demand for a specific product will not exceed this value.
Updated 3 months ago