Power BI Templates

Learn how to access your DataHawk data on our Power BI templates.

We provide a library of ready-to-use templates based on best practices from hundreds of top brands and agencies. With these powerful, theme-based dashboards, you can analyze your data in just a few minutes.



These templates should exhaustively cover the needs of 90%+ of the brands out there. In case you want to customize them but are unable to do so autonomously, we provide a paid customization and dashboard-building service.


You can download below our Power BI dashboard templates in PBIX format. Simply follow the instructions below to start using them within minutes.

Dashboard PBIX TemplateContentVersionChanges
Seller Finances & Supply Chain - Orders API and Finance API Sales

- SKU-Level Profit
- Unit Economics
- Replenishment Recos
July 22, 2024Fixed duplication error in slicer datasets.
Product- BSR

- Ratings
- Price
- Sales and Units
- Estimates
- Sales Share
- Active Buy Box %
July 18, 2024Marketplace filters fixes:
Marketplace Filter now works properly when displaying Categories on Overview and History tabs.
Marketplace Filter now works properly on the Changes tab (no more product duplicates).
Search- Search Ranks

- Share of Voice
- Keyword Research
- Keywords Insights
April 9, 2024Connected to the SELLING_PARTNER schema instead of legacy PREVIEW schema.
Advertising- Account Ads

- Campaign Ads
- Products Ads
- Keywords Ads
July 23, 2024Added Brand filter for Product tabs
Added Current Campaign Status filter for Campaign tabs
Market Intelligence- Category Insights

- Top-selling Products
- Est. Market Size, Share, Growth
July 25, 2024Corrected formula Presence in Top 100
Added Timeline by Slicer to easily drill from Year to Month/Week/Date for the graphs and tables
Ensured Dim_Market_Days table to have full list of days
Vendor Finances, Traffic & Supply Chain- Vendor Revenue

- Shipped/Ordered Revenue, Units
- Product Page Views
- Inventory
- Demand Forecasts
May 24, 2024Fixed data model relationships which cause filters from other pages to affect displayed data.
Master Vendor - Shipped COGS

- Shipped/Ordered Revenue, Units
- Product Page Views
- Inventory
- Account Ads
- Product Ads
- Share of Voice
July 23, 2024Enriched list of Vendor Accounts and Marketplaces in filters
Implemented unfinished period display across all relevant sections, comparing it to the same period in the past.
Ads Tab: Added filters for brands and tags on Product level.
Included brand names in the inventory tab.
Removed non-summed YTD inventory metrics from drill-down analysis.
Disabled header icons to enhance user friendliness.

Accessing our Templates on Power BI Online

Estimated configuration time of less than <5 minutes.

  1. Go to app.powerbi.com to access Power BI Online
  2. From the left navigation menu, pick or create a workspace
  3. Click "Upload", and "Browse," then select the .pbix template file you downloaded; the upload takes a few seconds
  4. Point your mouse over the newly-uploaded dataset, then click the three dots to access the "Settings"
  5. Under the "Parameters" section, replace the values in Database, Server, and Warehouse with the relevant credentials of the Power BI destination you added on the DataHawk web app
  6. Under the "Data source credentials" section, click "Edit credentials" to enter the username and password using the relevant credentials of that same destination
  7. Under the "Refresh" section, toggle the auto-refresh option to turn it on so that your dataset is refreshed daily. Optionally, select the time zone and time that make most sense for your business
  8. Data will start refreshing - this can take up to 30 minutes, depending on the volume and history
  9. Once refreshed, you'll be able to access the report template tied to that dataset, as you navigate back to your workspace and select the report

Setting up your Power BI Online instance for DataHawk templates

Our DataHawk Power BI templates use DirectQuery. It requires to activate SSO for each data provider you aim to use (Snowflake or BigQuery).

Estimated configuration time of less than <5 minutes.

Prerequisites: You need to be an administrator of your Power BI instance to be able to run this procedure.

  1. Navigate to https://app.powerbi.com/admin-portal
  2. Navigate to Tenant Settings
  3. In the list go to “Snowflake SSO” or “Google BigQuery SSO”
  4. Expand and activate the Enabled toggle.

It can take a few hours to be applied to your organization.

Accessing our Templates on Power BI Desktop

Estimated configuration time of less than <5 minutes.

  1. Using Power BI Desktop on Windows, open the .pbix template file you downloaded
  2. Click on "Transform data" in the upper actions bar in the Home section to open the Power Query Editor
  3. Click on "Manage parameters" in the upper actions bar
  4. Replace the values in Database, Server, and Warehouse with the relevant credentials of the Power BI destination you added on the DataHawk web app
  5. Click "Close & Apply" in the upper actions bar
  6. Enter the username and password using the relevant credentials of that same destination
  7. Data will start refreshing - this can take up to 30 minutes depending on the volume and history; if you run into any error, try re-applying the changes once or twice, then contact our team for further assistance

Old Templates Versions

You can download below older versions of our Power BI dashboard templates in PBIX format.

Dashboard PBIX TemplateVersionChanges
Market IntelligenceApril 17, 2023
Market IntelligenceApril 21, 2023
Seller Finances & Supply ChainMay 19, 2023
Seller Finances & Supply ChainMay 23, 2023Ads and FBA metrics available in product overview tab
Fixed various data quality issues
Seller Finances & Supply ChainMay 25, 2023Made financial metrics sortable in the "Product Overview" tab
Seller Finances & Supply ChainJune 08, 2023Fixed Inventory data
Seller Finances & Supply ChainJuly 05, 2023Now has both ASIN and SKU level product metrics
Now has weekly historical
Fewer tabs, more slicers
FBA data available two ways
Raw Amazon restock recommendations
Custom metrics with user-selected quantity formula, lead time, and target weeks on hand
Fxed Warehousing cost, ROAS, FBA inventory, Growth and Ad Spend metrics
Seller Finances & Supply ChainJuly 11, 2023Changed format of locked columns (account/product/sku) to remove gaps in tables
Added TACoS and TRoAS
Fixed Sales Growth to be calculated in the correct direction
Polished the Amazon FBA Restock Recommendations to have more readable field names
Polished misc. field names and formatting
Polished slicer layout
Seller Finances & Supply ChainJuly 19, 2023Fixed project and tags slicers when adding more than 1 but less than all options
Speed up on the Overview and Inventory tab
Seller Finances & Supply ChainAugust 01, 2023Fixed advertising to be in negative values similar to other costs
Search & ContentMay 31, 2023Fixed Product tag filter
Vendor Finances, Traffic & Supply ChainMay 16, 2023
Seller Finances & Supply ChainAugust 03, 2023Set data to be unanonymized by default
Market IntelligenceMay 30, 2023
Seller Finances & Supply ChainAugust 04, 2023Set data anonymization to be off by default
Seller Finances & Supply ChainAugust 22, 2023Fixed inventory and restock recommendations for SKUs sold in multiple marketplaces.Included a P&L comparison tab where you can compare financial KPIs across two different periods.
Vendor Finances, Traffic & Supply ChainAugust 08, 2023Database parameters are now successfully editable.
AdvertisingMarch 31, 2023
Search & ContentAugust 08, 2023Fixed inaccurate display of LQS in the Content tab.
Market IntelligenceAugust 08, 2023Database parameters are now successfully editable.
Seller Finances & Supply ChainSeptember 01, 2023Faster performance on the Sales Charts, Overview and Inventory, P&L History, and P&L Comparison tabs. Other filters no longer depend on the entity filters e.g. you can filter SKUs even if displaying account-level metrics. The P&L Comparison tab now has a selector for using actual values or adjusted values for base metrics instead of displaying both at the same time.
Vendor Finances, Traffic & Supply ChainSeptember 14, 2023Changed default Marketplace filter to all.
Search & ContentSeptember 19, 2023Show last view time on report tabs. Remove an unecessary workspace_id column reference.
Vendor Finances, Traffic & Supply ChainSeptember 19, 2023Show last view time on report tabls.
Search & ContentSeptember 22, 2023Reference updated brand information from product data.
Search & ContentSeptember 27, 2023- Search Ranks

- Share of Voice
- Keyword Research
- Keywords Insights
- Content
- Sales Rank
- Buy Box
- Changes
Seller Finances & Supply ChainSeptember 19, 2023Show last refresh time on report tabs.
SearchOctober 30, 2023New template: a more robust Search-centric dashboard
Performance improvement (up to 6 months of history for up to 1K keywords tracked)
Non-SEO tabs removed
Sponsored ranks added
UX improvements (tooltips on the Search Overview tab, views customization with hierarchies options)
ProductNovember 22, 2023Ability to customize rows for segmentation levels by Market, Seller, Project, Tag, Brand, Variant, and Category.
Ability to customize columns for analyzed metrics.
Addition of a historical analysis tab.
Seller Finances & Supply ChainDecember 12, 2023All associated seller account names across marketplaces are now displayed as seller account name on tables.
Vendor Finances, Traffic & Supply ChainSeptember 26, 2023
ProductDec 5, 2023A Dashboard tab providing a Product metrics overview
Additional KPIs: sessions, pageviews, conversion rates, and real Buy Box ownership (require a Seller Central account connection)
ProductFebruary 9, 2024Product Name available as Entity
Product Name filter added
Project filter removed following Projects deprecation
Seller Finances & Supply ChainJanuary 10, 2024Orders data has been added to the dashboard along with new visuals. Sales from orders indicate earned sales from completed purchases while sales from financial events indicate realized sales from collected payments.
ProductFebruary 16, 2024Improved visuals by removing unnecessary filter
Improved Dashboard tab metrics by aggregating data for the entire selected period instead of just the last date.
ProductFebruary 19, 2024Improved visuals by removing unnecessary filter
Improved Dashboard tab metrics by aggregating data for the entire selected period instead of just the last date. Disassociated seller in traffic table from buy box seller.
SearchDecember 19, 2023Removed unnecessary date filter on the keyword research tab.
Seller Finances & Supply ChainFebruary 20, 2024Orders tab removed for performance
Tabs have been renamed for clarity - the Sales tabs rely on Orders data for analyzing sales performance, while the P&L tabs provide the accounting view through financial events.
Unified currency for Sales data, added currency filter.
Added Product Names and Brands to visualizations and filters
AdvertisingSeptember 19, 2023Show last view time on report tabs.
Market IntelligenceSeptember 19, 2023Show last view time on report tabs.
Seller Finances & Supply ChainFebruary 21, 2024Last datapoint date is shown on each tab. Data refresh tracking has been lightened.
AdvertisingFebruary 21, 2024Last datapoint date is shown on each tab. Data refresh tracking has been lightened.
Market IntelligenceFebruary 21, 2024Last datapoint date is shown on each tab. Data refresh tracking has been lightened.Added additional attribution-related columns in the Product Overview tab (eg. breakdown between same-SKU and other SKU data, usage of 14-day attribution, etc.).
Added Campaign and Campaign ID filters. Keywords can be grouped by Campaign or Ad Group. Added Quarterly and Yearly Bookmarks for History tabs.
Market Intelligence March 5, 2024Ability to filter Brands on History tab. Enhanced user guidance for Optimal Data Selection.
Advertising March 7, 2024Added additional attribution-related columns in the Product Overview tab (eg. breakdown between same-SKU and other SKU data, usage of 14-day attribution, etc.).
Added Campaign and Campaign ID filters. Keywords can be grouped by Campaign or Ad Group. Added Quarterly and Yearly Bookmarks for History tabs. Improved Filter behavior
ProductFebruary 21, 2024Last datapoint date is shown on each tab. Data refresh tracking has been lightened.
Search February 21, 2024Last datapoint date is shown on each tab. Data refresh tracking has been lightened.
Seller Finances & Supply Chain February 26, 2024Separate filters for Sales and P&L tab
Advertising April 4, 2024Added a Sponsored Type filter on the Product History and Product Overview tabs following the release of Sponsored Display metrics at Product-level.
Seller Finances & Supply Chain April 9. 2024Fixes an over filtering issue on the Sales tab .
Harmonizes the logic between Sales and P&L tab for brands/marketplaces.
Seller Finances & Supply Chain May 6, 2024Redesigned P&L into profit data. Breakdown profit event categories down to their individual Finance API-sourced events. Summarize profit performance with new metrics.
Seller Finances & Supply Chain May 14, 2024Made summary KPIs on Profit Exploration sensitive to more filters asides from date filters.
Advertising May 17, 2024Fixed a minor overfiltering issue on the Account Overview tab.
Vendor Finances, Traffic & Supply Chain February 21, 2024Last datapoint date is shown on each tab. Data refresh tracking has been lightened.
Master Vendor May 15, 2024Explore tab now includes Net PPM.
Tags removed from Explorer tab dropdown, displaying all products.
Advertising account slicer now contains only vendor accounts.
Keyword tags on Search tab filtered when Marketplace slicer used
Glance Views on Exec tab break down by country
Master Vendor May 27, 2024Corrected Marketplace Filter behavior
Advertising May 22, 2024Fixed a minor overfiltering issue on the Account Overview tab.
Market Intelligence March 12, 2024Changed Power BI Query according to changes in Power BI Online requirements
Master Vendor June 3, 2024Unified Brand names for a more accurate Share of Voice, regardless of capitalization.
Advertising June 11, 2024Added Currency filter to unify all values into one currency
Product Names on product level tabs, as well as Product Name filter
Campaigns now nested within Marketplaces to add more visibility on the campaigns with the same names across marketplaces
Improved functionality of Timeline Granularity Tile and added Weekly
Product April 9, 2024Connected to the SELLING_PARTNER schema instead of legacy PREVIEW schema.
Market Intelligence June 25 2024Fixed bug on Marketplace filtering when displaying Estimated Market Share on the Overview tab
Master Vendor July 2, 2024Product Names: Incorporated into visualizations and filters for enhanced clarity.
Inventory Tab: Introduced an ASIN-level table for detailed inventory tracking.
Dropped duplicates in dimensions_seller_name to have unique Sellers even if same sellers are in different accounts. Sellers Capitalized each word
Product July 8, 2024Refined price comparison handling for scenarios with missing data. Enhanced flag display logic for comparisons to improve consistency.
Using LQA dataset for Listing Quality Score
Seller Finances & Supply Chain May 22, 2024Fixed duplication error in slicer datasets due to case sensitivity. Changed anonymization to use hashed values.
Advertising July 3, 2024Added Product Tag filter for Product Overview and Product History tabs
Optimized performance
Master Vendor July 17, 2024Implemented unfinished period display across all relevant sections, comparing it to the same period in the past.
Ads Tab: Added filters for brands and tags on Product level.
Included brand names in the inventory tab.
Removed non-summed YTD inventory metrics from drill-down analysis.
Disabled header icons to enhance user friendliness.
Market Intelligence July 8, 2024Added Product Name to Filters and Row dimensions

Dashboard Building Service and eCommerce Data Advisory

Our team of eCommerce experts and data analysts is available to assist with the creation of completely customized dashboards that are tailored to your business needs, processes, workflows, and preferred data visualization methods.

Our approach goes beyond simply creating charts and tables. We strive to understand your daily workflows and business challenges, drawing on our extensive experience supporting hundreds of brands and agencies. With this insight, we can help you build efficient solutions that empower you to accelerate growth and establish a competitive advantage.