Insights: Anomalies
Anomalies are Insights that shed light on outliers in your data and notify you of unexpected changes. We monitor the evolution of various metrics daily to spot any irregularities.
How to read an anomaly

This Search Ranking Anomaly chart visualizes the observed search ranking positions for a selected product, in this case, "PEDIGREE DENTASTIX Large Dog Dental Care Treats", when searched with the keyword "chew sticks for dogs".
Anomaly Indicator (top right box)
Observed: The actual search ranking observed on a specific date.
Expected: The expected search ranking on that date, as predicted by a 7-day moving average trend.
Anomaly Percentage: The percentage indicates the extent of deviation of the observed ranking from the expected value, labeled as an anomaly when it lies outside the confidence range.
Chart Components
Observed Value (Solid Line): This line represents the actual recorded ranking of the product on the search results page for the specified time frame. This line is blue for days without detected anomaly, and yellow for days with a detected anomaly.
Expected Value (Dashed Line): The dashed line shows the 7-day moving average of the search rankings, calculated by excluding identified anomalies. This provides a smoothed trend line that represents expected search ranking behavior, offering a baseline for comparison against actual observed values.
Confidence Range (Shaded Area): The shaded area around the expected value indicates the confidence range, which is calculated as three times the standard deviation of the time-series data. This range represents the expected natural fluctuation in search rankings.
Monitored metrics
Anomaly | Practice | Analyzed data | Value used if historical data unavailable |
Gross Sales | Finance | Seller Central account data | $0 |
Units Sold | Finance | Seller Central account data | 0 |
Average Selling Price | Finance | Seller Central account data | None |
Ad Spend | Ads | Ads account data | $0 |
Ad Sales | Ads | Ads account data | $0 |
RoAS | Ads | Ads account data | None |
Search Ranking | SEO | Own, tracked products | None |
Reach Score | SEO | Own, tracked products | 0 |
Listing Quality Score for Image | Product | Own, tracked products | None |
Rating Score | Product | Own, tracked products | None |
Fulfillment Fees | Finance | Seller Central account data | $0 |
Shipping Fees | Finance | Seller Central account data | $0 |
Storage Fees | Finance | Seller Central account data | $0 |
Taxes | Finance | Seller Central account data | $0 |
Median Number of Ratings - Top 100 per Category | Market | Own, tracked products | None |
Median Rating Score - Top 100 per Category | Market | Own, tracked products | None |
Median Price - Top 100 per Category | Market | Own, tracked products | None |
Sales Rank | Market | Own, tracked products | None |
Finance Anomalies
How to receive Finance Anomalies in your Insights list?
Finance anomalies are generated for products you sell (or manage the sales for). We automatically select products from the orders account connected to your DataHawk workspace.
Gross Sales Anomalies
A Gross Sales Anomaly is generated when we detect an unexpected change in a Seller Central account's gross sales data.
Units Sold Anomaly
A Units Sold Anomaly is generated when we detect an unexpected change in a Seller Central account's units sold data.
Average Selling Price Anomaly
An Average Selling Price Anomaly is generated when we detect an outlying value in a product's pricing.
Taxes Anomaly
A Taxes Anomaly is generated when we detect an outlying value in an account's tax data.
Shipping Fee Anomaly
A Shipping Fee Anomaly is generated when we detect an outlying value in an account's shipping fee data.
All Finance anomalies are grouped by Seller Central Account.
We analyze 15 days of historical order data at the marketplace and product level to identify any unexpected event that may have occurred two days prior at either one of these levels. For example, you will be alerted on Wednesday about anomalies that occurred on Monday.
This two-day delay is due to Amazon's partial data availability. We ensure reliable anomaly by analyzing complete data before publishing.
SEO Anomalies
How to receive SEO Anomalies in your Insights list?
SEO Anomalies are generated for products you sell (or for which you manage the sales) and track. We automatically select products from the orders account connected to your DataHawk workspace. You can also use the Set as owned feature in Sources to help us identify the products you sell.
Search Ranking Anomaly
A Search Ranking Anomaly is generated when we detect an unexpected change in its organic rank for a keyword.
If the historical data is unavailable, we do not fill in the missing days of data.
Reach Score Anomaly
A Reach Score Anomaly is generated when we detect unexpected changes in the reach score of a product.
Reach Score is the estimated number of times the product has been seen through all the keywords our software tracks. To compute it, we use our in-house Keyword Search Volume.
Product Anomalies
How to receive Product Anomalies in your Insights list?
Product Anomalies are generated for products you sell (or manage the sales for) and track. We automatically select products from the orders account connected to your DataHawk workspace. You can also use the Set as owned feature in Sources to help us identify which products you sell.
Rating Score Anomaly
A Rating Score Anomaly is generated when we detect unexpected changes in a product's rating score.
Market Anomalies
How to receive Market Anomalies in your Insights list?
Market Anomalies are generated for the categories in which the products you sell and track rank. We automatically select products from the orders account connected to your DataHawk workspace. You can also use the Set as owned feature in Sources to help us identify which products you sell.
Median Number of Ratings - Top 100 per Category Anomaly
This Anomaly is generated when we detect unexpected changes in the median number of ratings of the Top 100 products of a category.
Median Rating Score - Top 100 per Category Anomaly
This Anomaly is generated when we detect unexpected changes in the median rating score of the Top 100 products of a category.
Median Price - Top 100 per Category Anomaly
This Anomaly is generated when we detect unexpected changes in the median price of the Top 100 products of a category.
Sales Rank Anomalies
A Sales Rank Anomaly is generated when we detect unexpected changes in a product's sales rank observed in a category.
Updated 4 months ago