Market Intelligence Power BI
The Market Intelligence report template is the go-to platform consolidating the most essential data points for market analysis on Amazon or Walmart. The dashboard provides aggregated and historical views of the following data among Category Best Sellers (top 100 selling products):
Category Entities
- Marketplace
- Category
- Brand
- Product
Product Metrics
- Price
- Rating
- Ratings count
- Estimated Sales
- Estimated Sales/Product/Month
Product Market KPIs
- Presence in the Top 100
- Estimated Market Share
Getting Started
Source Data
You need to add your Amazon or Walmart categories on Sources before using this dashboard.
Accessing the Template
You can access the template on Power BI Online or on Power BI Desktop.
Analyzing the Report
General Elements
All tabs of this report include selectors for:
- Timeframe
- Marketplace
- Category
- Brand
- Product

Each tab also contains a shortcut to Add Sources. You can add more categories or products of interest from there.
The following is an overview of each tab included in the report.
📊 Market Charts
This tab includes summary metrics as well as bar charts and line charts comparing a chosen primary metric across a chosen categorical field. A scatter chart is also present to add another dimension referencing a secondary metric.

The bar chart above is configured to compare Estimated Market Share across brands, revealing that Blue Buffalo had the largest overall share of the top 100 Dog Food products over the selected time frame.

Clicking Blue Buffalo on the bar chart will allow us to focus on the evolution of its Estimated Market Share as well as its positioning relative to other brands in terms of both Estimated Market Share and Median Price.
🌐 Market Overview
This tab includes totals, for selected entities over the selected timeframe, of different ad metrics and KPIs (Definitions can be found in the glossary above).

Clicking on a row within the displayed table will enable you to see metrics specific to the associated entity.

📈 Market History
Monthly history of your selected entities and metrics aross the selected timeframe. A line chart comparing the first chosen column across brands is included above the table.

Clicking on a row within the displayed table will enable you to see metrics specific to the associated entity.

Data Model
This report uses data collected after you add Amazon categories or Walmart categories as sources. For a technical, in-depth view of all data fields available on tracked categories, you may refer to our Exhaustive Column Referential.
Category Entities
Subjects of which market intelligence data is associated to. Metrics and KPIs are aggregated around these entities and across time.
- Marketplace: The different marketplaces where products and categories are listed on Amazon or Walmart.
- Category: A group of products that share similar characteristics or features, and are classified accordingly by Amazon or Walmart for easier browsing and searching.
- Brand: A name, term, design, or symbol that identifies a seller's product and distinguishes it from competitors' products.
- Product: A seller's product that is listed on Amazon or Walmart. Products that appear in the Top 100 selling products in a category are referred to as Category Best Sellers.
Product Metrics
- Estimated Sales: Estimated sales for the product at the date. Sum aggregations are provided on the report.
- Estimated Sales/Product/Month: Estimated monthly sales for a product at the time. Minimum, maximum, and median aggregations are provided on the report.
Product Market KPIs
KPIs indicat
- BSR: Best Seller Rank, which is a numerical ranking assigned based on a product's sales performance within its category. A lower BSR indicates that a product or brand sells more than its counterparts or competitors in the category.
- Presence in the Top 100: The share of time in a category for which a product appeared in the Top 100. A higher Presence in the Top 100 indicates that a product or brand maintains its best seller status more than its counterparts or competitors in the category.
- Estimated Market Share: An approximation of a brand or product's percentage of the total sales within a specific category. A higher estimated market share indicates that a product or brand sellers more than its counterparts or competitors in the category.
Updated 3 months ago